Wednesday! It's the long day for me, but I like it just fine. I've got a lot to do today - places to go, people to see, and all the cliches of life to live out. I hope you are doing well today.
Yesterday, let's see, what did I do yesterday? Oh yeah, now I remember. I spent the first part of the day studying about a couple of ladies called Lois and Eunice, the grandmother and mother of Timothy. I plan to weave an imaginative story about their lives into a mother's day sermon. I think it has potential to be interesting and helpful. I think Eunice was a rebel. She married a Greek, you know! God was redemptive, as always, working in the poor choices we make to make something good come from it, IF we will seek him. So that's how the day started.
Then it was off to see 3 different people in 3 different locations and places in life. Each has a story and a whole life full of experiences that come to bear on the present situation. The last fellow I saw is an old man. He can barely live by himself. I watched him slowly, very slowly, so slowly, move through things that would take most of us seconds to do. We talked for a while. We ran out of things to talk about several times, and when we did he would say, "It's good to see you, Allen." Somehow, I don't think that was totally conversation filler.
I had lunch with Kedra, which is my custom. I try to do this as much as possible. It's such a brief time together but so pleasant and enjoyable. It kinda helps reset my day and recenter me. After lunch I went into school with her for the academic awards ceremony. Ben got a couple of awards, including Student of the Month. Ben does not have the same academic confidence that my other 3 had, so I was pleased he received a little recognition. As I watched him, I was almost overwhelmed by how much I love him. I think watching my 2 oldest transition from college to career makes me want to freeze time for a little while. It doesn't work that way, so I must savor each moment.
The ReGeneration Store continues to do very well. We have had record months every month of the year so far. I try to spend some time there everyday. Our employees are amazing and handle lots of situations with grace. I love hanging out there. It is such a positive, encouraging place.
Well, last night was the first "official" bike ride of the year. It was a pleasant evening. Just a little on the cool side and a lot on the windy side. While I've been hanging around the "big boys" for a couple of years, I never have done the official pace line with them. I have done some pace lining on different occasions and in different contexts. Last night was my introduction to the big time. It was a little rude. ha ha
There was a strong headwind as we headed back to Orleans from the Washington county line. I was third in line. The plan was to hold a rather pedestrian 22 mph, which was about how fast we went out, thanks to the tailwind. Bill pulled first, and he pulled for a long way. Jimmy pulled next for about 45 seconds and took us to Bromer and right into the strongest wind of the night. My turn!
As Bill and others would later tell me, I pulled too long and too hard up the hill and into the wind. I was dying trying to keep the pace up. I finally tapped out, moved over, and tried to reattach. Jimmy shouted, "Getting back on is going to be the hardest part!" Well, he was right. I tried but was spent. I was off, and once you are off, you are off! Gone is the all the benefit of drafting. Bill came and tried to help get back on, but it was too late. My rookie mistakes were pulling too long and trying to keep the pace up the hill and tapping out on a hill. Lessons learned? I hope so.
In spite of my mistakes, I had a very enjoyable evening and a great training ride. My quads were burning. The hill work from Monday probably contributed to that. Following the ride, a few of us gathered at Wendy's for food and fellowship. It was great way to end a nice day.