Ben and I (don’t we both really look smart in that picture? Wow. Duh . . .) ran the Let’s Go 10K this morning. This was Ben’s first 10K and the farthest he has ever run, and he has only been training for a couple of weeks. He did really well, completing the run in 56.04, which is a 9.01 pace. He is going to improve rapidly and dramatically. He’s off to a great start.
My run went well also. I completed the course in 45.13, which is a 7.16 pace. I was pretty pleased with it, especially since it was more than 2.5 minutes faster than my time in the same race last year. The weight loss and consistent training is continuing to pay good dividends. The marathon in Louisville is 55 days away (8 weeks), so I have time to keep working hard to qualify for Boston, which is the biggest item on my “bucket list.”
We heard from Luke this morning, via email. He is in Guatemala. He wrote this:
We went out to the valley today, it was incredibly beautiful and rugged. We climbed all over the mountains, I bet 5 miles, at a mile high. I'm quite out of shape.
I’m a little concerned about him being there after hearing of the Chilean earthquake. I am concerned about the disruption of all travel in the larger region, and, more significantly, I believe there is major fault line that runs through Guatemala (and Honduras). I hope the quake in Chile doesn’t loosen up something in that fault line. I’m no geologist, so I really don’t know how all that works, but it seems that there has been a lot of seismic activity lately.
We are going to Indy this afternoon to see Lester and Maddie. It is a little bit of a belated birthday dinner. Kedra’s parents are here and want to see where Lester and Maddie live.
It’s been a good day so far, and it is going to get better! I love seeing my kids.