Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Cora's first family walk
Good morning! Wow, It is mid 40s, so I'm thinking it may get a little warmer than predicted. It's starting out 10 degrees warmer than predicted. That all works for me! The snow is rapidly melting off the ground. The piles? They'll be around for a while. Sound like severe weather for tomorrow.

Yesterday was so beautiful! I ran before and as the sun came up. Once I got started I realized why there was a 2 hour delay. There were lots of ice patches. I had to slow down many times and carefully make my way across them. It was ok, though, because there was such a nice hint, even a smell, of the warm day ahead. It felt good to be out early.

The rest of the day went pretty well. My usual conspiracy work took place. I would have to kill you if I told you, and none of us want that. I slipped out on my bike just before supper, and came home to a nice meal. Better than that, Maddie and Cora were there to eat with us. Lester was dealing drugs, so the girls came over to hang out for a while.  Cora is a 10 pounder now. She is really growing.

Today promises a couple of things: to be busy and to be nice. That works for me. I'll start with a run and may end with late afternoon ride. In between will be all kinds of fun.

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