Thursday, April 18, 2013

Running to Help

My wife and I were watching some of the news coverage of the bombings at the Boston Marathon. Various videos of the explosions were being shown over and over. As we watched, she made a good observation.

She noted that as soon as the explosion happened, most people ran away from it, which is natural and probably the right thing to do. Then she added, while most were running away, firemen, policemen, and other officials ran to the explosion. Thinking of others above themselves, risking their lives, they ran to the problem.

"That’s what they are trained to do." Yes, but still. Courage. There are also heart-warming, tear-bringing stories of some runners, who work in the medical field or as firemen, policemen, or first responders of some sort, even in the exhaustion of their almost finished marathon experience, ran to help. Moving.

All this reminds me of God’s redemptive work. We make messes, destroy things, destroy each other, yet he chooses run TO and not AWAY from us. Nothing can or will separate us from his love, not even us.

Thank God!

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