Wednesday, January 09, 2013


I have this image in my mind. It’s of a thick, thick jungle. It’s damp, beautiful, green and so heavily canopied that only little shafts of sunlight hit the floor.

There are trees, bushes, and vines. Everywhere! It’s virtually impossible to move. Each breath is full of refreshing life, so clean and so pure. Yet I can’t move.

The only way forward is with a guide with a machete. Thankfully, the Guide is present. He carefully and lovingly blazes a trail. It’s slow going but we are moving.

As it grows dark, He continues, and He says, "I know you can’t see, but I can. Just place your hand between my shoulder blades and follow me."

That’s one of my favorite images of Jesus. It comes out of Hebrews 12.

The concept is that Jesus leads the way and prepares a path for us, even when we can’t see it. The idea is presented to those who are struggling and suffering. The life, the death, and the resurrection of Jesus are held up as comfort, encouragement and a very real way to live.

Ultimately he blazes the trail out of the tomb! Hallelujah!

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