Friday, January 04, 2013

2013 Endurance Goals

I've had these written down for a few days but haven't taken to the time to publish them, until now.

First, a look back at 2012. Here's what I wrote on January 10, 2012. That post included some non-athletic goals, which I will save for another post, but in case you are curious, I did meet those goals.


Last year was a pretty good year for me.


My running goals included 1500 miles, which I met. I did not meet my goal of 3:29:59 at Boston. It was too stinkin hot to even try! If you want the details, then go back and read this. Boston was a great experience, and, as things like this do, it is getting sweeter the further I get from it. I had a vague goal of doing well in the Persimmon 5K. I guess I met it by finishing 2nd in my age group with a decent (but not great) time. My other goal was to do a fall marathon as a part of Ironman training. I ran Monumental in Indy and met that goal.


My biking goals were, for the most part, vague and not too specific, not measurable.  My main goal was to do RAIN - Ride Across INdiana, and I did. Here's the rather boring report, but it does include a link to the rather dramatic 2011 event. My other goals were to get stronger and faster, and I definitely did both of those. I did do 3 centuries, I think, leading up to RAIN, and my total miles for 2012 were 2247. I did not have a mileage goal last year. That changes for this year.


Again, I had goals that were not that measurable. The biggest goal was not to drown. Clearly I met that one. I did a couple of informal triathlons but did not do a sanctioned event. The one I hoped to do was cancelled due to the drought. I can't say that was super satisfied with my progress in swimming, but if you look at where I started, then I did go a long, long way. Measured against what I need to do to complete an Ironman--2.4 miles--there is a long, long way to go. It is a process and I am looking for really good progress this year.


OK, here we go for this year.


I hope to cover a total of 1560 miles this year. That works out to 30 miles per week. I have friends and acquaintances who run 50-100+ per week, but they are rare. Most of my friends run in the 1000 to 2000 range, which I think is reasonable for me at 54 years old.

This may be the biggest goal and the most difficult goal for 2012: I hope to run sub 20 minutes in the Persimmon 5K. I think I am capable of getting back there, but it has been a long, long time. It will take some work, but, hey, I like work.

I plan to run the Monumental Marathon and qualify for Boston again. If my Ironman goal of 2014 works out, then I will consider running Boston in 2015. The race this fall would qualify me for 2015. Have to plan ahead! If Ironman gets pushed off a year, and I don't plan for it to, then I would not do Boston in '15.


My bike goals will be a little more specific and measurable this year. I hope to cover a total of 3120 miles for the year, which is a 60 mile per week average. This is a considerable increase from last year. I will have to spend some time on the trainer to do that, and I plan to. The bulk of the miles will be from April through August.

I hope to do BAIL, which is Bike Across ILlinois. This is an informal ride being organized by Jim Sowders and others. We are looking at a 2 day event, probably early in the summer. That should be fun, and it is motivation to do some trainer miles to be in a good shape early in the summer.

My other goal is to average 20 mph in a triathlon.


My goal this year is pretty simple: become proficient in distance swimming, which will be measured by completing sanctioned events.  I have a fairly ambition goal of doing the Terra Haute triathlon on May 21. It has an 800 meter swim, followed by a 25 mile ride, followed by a 5 mile run. It's all about the swim. It will be a wet suit swim, and I have one. The wet suit makes it easier, providing buoyancy.

From Terra Haute I was planning to progress to a Half Ironman, which is a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile ride, followed by a 13.1 run. I was hoping to shoot for the one in Muncie, but it takes place while I am in Honduras. I will half to look for other options. I hope to do a few other tris throughout the summer. The ones I do will be dictated, likely, by what my friends are doing.

While I hoped to do a Half Ironman this summer, I am not too concerned about it. I think I can do one next year as part of a build up toward the Full Ironman (2.4, 112, 26.2), which hopefully will happen in Panama City in November of 2014. We'll see...


I plan to work on my core a little more this year and to maintain better eating habits throughout the year. I tend to eat really really well or pretty poorly. I want to strike a better balance. I know, I know, no measurable goals present. Maybe it's just a guide for this year?

I am really looking forward to this year and these goals, hoping and praying to be blessed, again, with a year without injuries. I thank God he has given me a healthy body and hope to use it to bring glory to him. I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). I've been bought at a price and want to honor God with my body (1 Corinthians 6:19,20).

My enduring friends are so important to me. I wouldn't be considering any of this without them. They have stretched me, supported, and encouraged me. There is so much power in community!

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very VERY impressive, Allen! You're making this nearly 35 year old 'kid' look bad. Kidding of course. Keep pm the great and inspiring work!