Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Be Strong

What Do You Need to Hear Today?

Words that tear you down, discourage you? Probably not what you need.

Words of flattery that have little substance? Like a sugar rush, they don’t last long and then leave you feeling kind of empty.

I’m reading through the Bible this year. I’m finishing up Daniel this week, and I ran into some words there that I need to hear. The words there are similar to an astonishing thought that is presented in Romans 8, which is my preaching text this week.

An angel appears to Daniel, who, by the way, is living in a very challenging place and time. Here’s what the angel says, and this is God’s message to you today and every day, if you are his.

"Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed," he said. "Peace! Be strong now; be strong."

Do not be afraid.

You are highly esteemed.


Be strong now.

Be strong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great message, I need this today.

Pat A