Saturday, June 09, 2012

Saturday afternoon

A rare Saturday post! That's what this is! Jim was feeling good at Huck's in Orleans, half way through our ride this morning. Dan was taking it all in. Roy and I were the only other riders, and clearly we are not in the picture. 

It was a great morning to ride! I wore my arm warmers and took abuse from the others, but I think it was simple envy. My arms were warm and comfortable. I shed them at Huck's. We rode right at 44 miles and had a really good time doing it. After the ride we ran 5 miles. The run was good but a little on the warm side: 80s.

One of my favorite things post-activity is to upload my Garmin info regarding the workout. I like looking at the data: miles, pace, heart rate, etc. After the ride, I reset the watch for the run. Then at home I can upload both and import them into my online log at Beginner Triathlete. Mike J. told me about this site back at the end of last year, and I've been using it ever since. I like it for lots of reasons, and one of the main reasons is that it imports Garmin data.

It keeps a weekly, monthly, and yearly total of all things, including overall average pace/speed. Here's what it shows for this year for me:

20 hours and 45 minutes. I have not tried keeping distances, due to learning, etc.

1041.73 miles that took me 66 hours 47 minutes 22 seconds

690.41 that took me 102 hours 17 minutes and 29 seconds

These numbers include all activities, slow and fast, serious and not. I find it interesting, but I like numbers. Maybe you don't...

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