Friday, October 09, 2009


Pretty rainy out there!

I am multi-tasking this morning. Sermon. Slide show. Life Group discussion guide. Blogging. I am also smoking a small brisket. Yes, it is a beautiful day to smoke. I'm using my small smoker this morning; didn't get the beast out today. Don't want it to get wet. Me - that's a different story. I do have concerns, however, that I could melt.

Yesterday I managed to get a 10 mile run in. I started early while it was still kinda dry, but by about 5 miles it was rainy. I just kept going, figuring that once you are soaked it doesn't make much difference. I'm sitting on 30 miles for the week and plan to run 20 tomorrow. If I get it done, then that will be my first 50 mile week in forever. It will be a good psychological boost for the marathon.

Sermon prep is coming pretty well. I think it might be a good one! Usually when I think that there is a lot of sleeping going on from about 11 to 11.22. We'll see. The thing that keeps coming out is that we are to be like God. Imitators. Created to be like him. Pretty serious stuff. This privilege becomes the motivation for living a life that deals appropriately (like God) with truth telling, with anger, with language, and productivity.

OK, back to smoking and sermon stuff. Yes, you can say, "We'll I know a preacher who likes to smoke while he prepares sermons."

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