Wednesday, February 06, 2008

R.I.P. Smokey

I knew the day would come, and, really, it has not fully come yet. It’s almost here; it’s just a matter of time. Smokey is all but dead.

Dr. Brent Fields took one listen and said, “Yep. It’s over.” (or something like that).

I mildly protested, “Can I even drive it to town?”

He replied, “Take your cell phone, if you do.”

So Smokey sits in my drive way; heart beating but no brain waves. It’s time to pull the plug.

We bought Smokey back in 1995 right when Ben was born. We were styling! Four kids, a lovely wife, and a nice mini-van. Life was good. Smokey was good to me, very good. Why do I want to break out in song. “Precious Memories! How they linger...”

What now? Well, we are going to make Smokey an organ donor. The boys are needing some key parts for their (long, drawn-out) Bronco project, so I think we are going to donate Smokey to a place that has some of those needed key parts. It should be a good deal for everyone. Hopefully by the time I get back they will have the Bronco running and I can drive it or Luke’s truck. I like running, but I think I might need a vehicle at times.