Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sometime Wednesday

Amish Country Cyclists waiting on Iron Bill
OK, OK, I know, I know... Sorry about the absence. I just enjoyed a few days of not doing some of the things I usually do. I think I got caught up in the spirit of long weekend. I've been going at things pretty hard for a fairly long time, so it was refreshing to take a brief break. I hope you had a good holiday.

Summer has started! It gets a little crazy for a few weeks. Routines get wrecked, which is not all bad. It seems like everyone relaxes a little. Life is good.

I have a few things this summer that become the focal points. I am going to the Christian Scholars Conference in Nashville next week, followed by a few days in Alabama. Our Honduras trip is July 7-17. Then I will help out with Camp, beginning July 22nd. We are not taking a vacation this summer, so we will strive to enjoy each day as it comes. School starts back the very first part of August.

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