Monday, April 01, 2013

It's Monday

"It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!"

I’ve preached it, as have many others over the years. It’s a great Easter sermon!

"It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!"

It’s about the death of Jesus on a Friday. Everything looked like it was over. The death of Jesus led to the death of all the disciples’ dreams. Friday was horrible any way you measured it.

The Sunday of Resurrection was coming, but the disciples didn’t know it. They went to the tomb to anoint the dead body of Jesus, but they were met angels who said, "He is risen! He’s not here!"

The horror of Friday was replaced with the joy of Sunday. Death was swallowed up by life! Still is in Jesus.

But now it’s Monday.

Yesterday we could have said, "It’s Sunday but Monday’s coming!"

The joy of Resurrection is met with the reality of still living in a messed up world as, at times, a messed up person.

Monday. Pain and problems persist.

Yet the joy of the resurrection and the promise of resurrection, deeply rooted in God’s love and forgiveness, allow us to face them with peace, joy, and confidence.

Because of Sunday and its ongoing promises, I can face Monday!

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