Thursday, March 07, 2013

A Song about Me

Can you image someone writing a song about you?

"Oh, that’d be cool! A song about me!"

"About how good I am?"

"Or maybe about some heroic act I performed?"

What if I said the song is not be about your goodness but about something you did, something that was not so good?

For example, something like these:

A song about Mary, the Sunday school teacher, when she was caught shoplifting.

A song about Timmy, recently baptized, when Timmy was caught, by Susie’s dad, in the back seat of the car with Susie.

A song about Beth Ann, the honor student, when Beth Ann was caught plagiarizing a college paper.

A song about Joe the Christian, when his wife Mary caught him viewing pornography on the family computer late at night.

A song about Jan, when she was caught having an affair with Bill, her boss.

Still want a song written about you?

"We’ll not like that!"

What you need to know is the song, written about your worst sin, and your worst nightmare, which is likely getting caught in the act of doing your worst sin, reveals that things turn out OK.

Things turn out OK — ONLY by the grace of God.

King David from long ago knows all about it.

Psalm 51 — For the director of music. A psalm of David. When the prophet Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba.

It’s actually one of the most beautiful songs you’ll ever hear. Go listen to it. Psalm 51.

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