Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Wednesday - Honduras February 6, 2013

Hello! It was another exciting day in Honduras! We're just waiting on supper now, so I will try get this up and going before I eat. Our pre-supper conversation is about how to finish our deluxe bathroom (outhouse) in Guajire. Interesting stuff. Really.

Today we went to the dump, but before we got there we had to pick up the food and the water. We feed about 250 people. They are hungry and grateful. We give out beans and rice and water. The dump, as I mention every time I visit, is one of the most disturbing places I have ever been. It is sad to see kids living and working there. Marc is working on changing the culture there and has helped several children go to the school across the road from the dump.

We had some excitement on the way to the dump. Immigration had a road block and stopped us. They demanded our passports. We never carry them for safety reasons. They are worth a lot on the black market and are targets for thieves. This answer did not satisfy the officer. He and Marc had quite a discussion. Marc called his lawyer who has friends in high places. A high official called our opposing officer. He did not like the call, and after a few minutes of further protest, he let us go. We were probably stopped 20-30 minutes. It was all interesting, if not entertaining at times.

After the dump, we visited the school across the road. We installed a water treatment system 2 years ago. We checked on it, and it is working great. This school is a great ministry run by some Christians.

After the school, it was on to eat some lunch. We ate at Carnita's, one of my favorite local places. It has different kinds of meats that are grilled to yumminess. We had a good meal and a good time. Following that we spent quite a while bagging food. Bryantsville Hunger Relief Project gave us a generous donation to buy the food.

While we were bagging the food, the Honduras vs. USA soccer match was going on. Honduras won, so everyone is very excited. At the dump a lady had a face paint stick with Honduras colors. I was looking a little blue throughout the day.

Keep praying for us. Things are going well, and we are getting a clear vision about the summer trip. Exciting, exciting stuff! Here are some photos. Click on any picture to go to the album.

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