Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday a.m.

Ben with his football hardware
Good morning! How are you on this snowless Tuesday? I woke up around 2 this morning. The moon was shining bright, and there was no snow on the ground. I didn't really expect any, but I was a little surprised by the moonshine. Now, you can take that last half of the last sentence and imagine that many people have used those words over the years, "I was a little surprised by the moonshine." They should make a TV show about moonshine. What's that? They have? They do? You have to love our country.

Last night was the MHS football banquet. We had a nice turnout in our gym for it. It was an enjoyable evening as we focused on the few bright spots from a pretty rough season. I didn't realize this -- there were times where we were playing a couple of freshman on our offensive line. All the youngsters getting playing time this past season should help us next year.

Ben, who did not want his picture taken, won a few awards, the biggest being PLAC all conference linebacker. He also won most improved player. He hardly played last year, due to some injury issues and other things. He has really developed. I remember when he was little that he would run around and avoid all contact. He seems to enjoy it now. He's a big boy. Yes, I am his father.

Yesterday was a good day. I got a lot of things organized/done. I went for a late afternoon run with two Tims, racking up another 5 miles. So here's the score board, moving toward the 1500 mark for the year:

Completed: 1352.92
To be done: 147.08
Days left: 35

I think I'll make it, barring injury.

This morning is going to be devoted to stillness and being quiet. I need some of both. I'll emerge, like a groundhog on a cold sunny day, around midday. That's the plan. We'll see...

Thanks for stopping by.

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