Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday - 13 weeks until...

Good morning! Today is Martin Luther King day, which seems pretty much ignored around these parts. I know Dr. King was flawed, like all of us, but, man, he said and did some very remarkable things, things that we all benefit from.

Since Kedra and Ben are off, and a lot of my running friends are off, I am taking the morning off to be around all those just mentioned. I plan to run 10 miles starting at 8 a.m. I don't know how many will show up, but my guess is there will be a few. I like starting the week with a 10 miler; looks great in the running log! Speaking of that, I am using a really cool log at Beginner Triathlete. I love the fact that it imports my workouts from my Garmin 405 and keeps weekly, monthly, and yearly totals for all activities. Awesome!

I ended last week with a 14 miler in 14 degree air temps. Actually it was a little colder than that at the start. I really don't mind running in cold weather. The biggest annoyance is watery eyes and the icicles that form on my eye lashes. I just knock them off every once in a while and keep moving. Really.  Saturday's 14 miler was good. I had a few late miles down around the 8 minutes per mile pace. The long runs are supposed to be run a little slower, so it's good to get down near race pace without pushing or trying.

The Boston Marathon is 13 weeks/3 months from today. I'm feeling good and fit and actually holding back some. I don't want to peak too early. My original schedule front-loaded a lot of miles early (like now), due to my concern of really bad winter weather that might prevent training. Since that has not happened and doesn't look like it's going to happen in the near future, I have backed off a little on total miles and my long run. I hit 40 miles per week the last 2 weeks and have had a long run of 15 miles. I originally had planned to be around a 20 miler this Saturday, but I think I will keep it around 15-17. I will probably go up to around 45 miles this week, which is down from the 50 I orginally planned. Flexible!

After my run this morning, Kedra and I will head to Jefferonsville. We'll attend a funeral and then spend a little time just enjoying the day. Kedra has been really busy with her school work. She is trying to get her teaching license and recently completed a calculus course. She's doing great! I'm really proud of her.

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