Friday, January 06, 2012


Good morning! Wow, it's going to be an awesome day. Is it really January 6th? It feels like a spring morning: cool but indications of a relatively warm day. I have a 30+ mile bike ride planned for noon with Tim the Elder. Should be a good ride on my new bike and it will give me another opportunity to figure out any tweaking that needs to be done.

Yesterday was a good day. I got a lot of my Sunday prep done, not all but a lot. I did hill repeats on the run and felt good about them, after I was done. I didn't feel that good going into them but did them any way. Discipline. Boston. The ethics meeting at the hospital was good and enjoyable. Then I spent some time with a friend who is trying to find/figure out God. We had a nice visit about all that. I'm praying for him. I then drove a bus to BNL for, as some say, "wrasslen," which is also called wrestling. ha ha.

I had never been to a wrestling meet before. Interesting. I guess because it was BNL and Mitchell, it was a little more intense than usual. BNL won easily, which I think was the first time in a few years. I sat with Nick Mullis and enjoyed visiting with him.

This morning I have lots to cram in before my bike ride. I should be able to get it all done.

I should have added this to my "random" post the other day. You have probably figured out that my blogging is part therapy for me - ha. You have probably also figured out that I don't talk a whole lot about ministry or theology--some but not a lot. (I'd have to kill you if I told you much of what I know.) I find talking about running and riding and other things is a nice way to balance out the things that make/take up the majority of my thoughts and time. It's a good thing for me, and if you enjoy reading it, then we both benefit.

Thanks to running with Mike J. the other night, I am changing the way I log my workouts this year, especially in light of wanting to be a triathlete. I am using a free log at Beginner Triathlete. It will keep my running, riding, and (future) swimming workouts. The point that sealed the deal for me is that it imports my workouts from my Garmin. I am going to experiment today with using my Garmin on the bike so I can important bike data. My apologies to all the Garmin haters in the crowd! NOT! ha ha

OK, I've got lots to do, and that noon bike ride is motivating me to get it done!

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