Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Like Adventure

I like weather, and I especially like extreme weather. Call me crazy, but I like big snow storms, extreme heat, severe storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. I don't like people getting hurt or property being destroyed. What I like is the raw power of weather.

I would love to do the tornado chasing thing, but the cost and the related divorce would be too expensive. I really want to see one live, up close and personal! The same is true for a hurricane. I would like to find a safe shelter to ride out a Cat 5, staying outside as long as possible. I had lunch with Pat A. yesterday, and he would like to take off for the coast to experience (ironically named) Irene. Probably can't do it this time. Maybe some day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES! One day soon, we will take a quick trip to the gulf coast to experience a hurricane!

Pat A