Monday, August 22, 2011

Here we go

So here it comes! Life the way it's going to be for a while. Last week we said good-bye to Rebecca and then to Luke. Both are now at Lipscomb and begin classes today. This is Luke's last year, and Rebecca is beginning her college journey. I'm so happy they are there.

This has been an unusual summer, and I'm now ready for some kind of routine. I'm not exactly sure what it's going to look like, but I ready for it to develop. I'm not teaching at OCU-B this fall. I was asked to teach "Faith and Reason," a philosophy class, but I missed out because the initial contact was while I was on vacation. I did not take my computer and did not check email for 10 days. My lack of response was taken for a lack of interest and someone else was asked. I am really OK with that and consider it Providential.

Ben had a good football game on Friday. He played on special teams and did his part well. He was supposed to play JV ball tonight, but the game was cancelled. We did not have enough eligible players. Oh well.

Running and riding is going well. I am down to riding one time a week, a nice 30 mile loop through Amish country. I ran north of 20 miles last week for the first time since May. I plan to carefully move my running miles back up to 30 miles a week while on my way to 40 mile weeks before too long. Not getting injured is the key to it all.

Enough for now... Thanks for stopping by.

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