Ah, 15 hours in and time for popcorn and bed!
My class tonight was really good. In the end the Triumphal Entry story, taken in the broader context, is a story of misunderstanding that leads to unmet expectations which leads to the death of Jesus.
We all have the problem of misunderstanding things which leads to unmet expectations that leads to the death of relationships etc.
Another cool way to look at this story is through 3 phases of the crowd. I think it is quite fair to say that some of the people shouting "Hosanna" were later in the week shouting "crucify him" and then were later (on Pentecost) convicted and saying "what can we do?". Misunderstanding everywhere!
God is redemptive and works in our misunderstandings IF we will let him. It takes an open mind and heart.
OK, good night!
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