Monday, January 03, 2011

Here we go!

I hope your new year is off to a good start. If you are like me, it is probably starting today. I'm not too much into resolutions, but I do set some goals and work toward them. I may share more about that in a future post.

You probably noticed that I did not post anything for a while. That really wasn't intentional; it just kinda happened that way. I got in holiday mode and stayed that way for a while, which I think I needed. I feel refreshed now and ready to take on the challenges that will present themselves this year.

Here are a couple of things I tweeted and posted on Facebook lately:

Heard this in church today: "The secret to life is setting & effectively pursuing the right priorities." Sounds right to me.

Another good one from R. Warren - "Just as night conceals earth but reveals the universe, your dark times can reveal truths about God u wouldnt see otherwise." I've learned this to be true and must remember it in the darkness.

"I am learning to live the questions, to follow the teachings of a radical rabbi, to live in an upside-down kingdom in which kings are humbled and servants are exalted, to look for God in the eyes of the orphan and the widow, the homeless and the imprisoned, the poor and the sick." This is from Rachel Held Evans in "Evolving in Monkey Town - How a girl who knew all the answers learned to ask the questions." Interesting book - couldn't put it down.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! :)
John H.