Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Night

Well, here we are again. I consider Sunday evening the end of my work week, and at the same time it becomes the beginning of the new one. As I finish up with the wonderful small group that meets in our home, my attention turns to next Sunday's lesson and all the things that have to be done to make that happen. Plus I make a list of all the other things that I hope to do this week. I am still adjusting to the new busy-ness, but I am getting there.

In the morning I will leave the house after breakfast with the family. I will leave in running clothes and go do my Monday 10 miler. Then I'll go back to church for a quick shower, a check-in at church to see what's going on and maybe get a couple of small things done, then it will be time to head to Bedford to teach my classes at OCU. Following that I will make a quick stop at the gym to work on core strengthening and stretching. I'll get home around 4 and do a few little things, eat supper, and head out for Ben's football game.

We have lots of sports this week. Ben has football on Monday and Friday, and Rebecca has volleyball on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. On Wednesday we have church, so every night this week is busy, which is the way it has been for a little while. It will be over in a few weeks, so I'm not complaining. Well, at least not much! ha ha.

I've started a new sermon series about sin. I'm intrigued to see where it's going to go. I am asking the Lord for guidance. My thesis is that we don't take sin very seriously, and since we don't take it seriously we don't appreciate salvation. We cheapen the grace of God. We'll see how it unfolds.

There are lots of things going on this week. I'm working with some families who are really struggling. One is about to lose their house to foreclosure. I found out today that maybe they can prevent it. I hope so. They are living without gas right now. They lived without electricity all summer. I think we would all be surprised by the number of similar stories of people living in our neighborhoods.

The Monumental Marathon is 8 weeks from yesterday. I am cranking out 50 mile weeks presently, hoping to hold together. My biggest challenge is to increase my speed in training. It is going to be easier to do with the cooler weather.

OK, need to go. Five a.m. is going to roll around here before long, and I have several things to do before I can go to bed.

It's been a good day.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your plate is full of many wonderful blessings and opportunities: family, church family, teaching, physical training, ministry to others, etc. May God bless you with strength, insight, and joy in all of them. Keep us posted on the progression of the sermon series on sin; I agree, the level of joy and gratitude that we have over our salvation is directly related to the depth of our understanding of what we have been saved from. As for it both "ending" and "beginning" on Sunday evenings, your comment reminded me of Robert Oglesby, Sr.'s statement that, for preachers, "Sundays come with relentless regularity." May He bless you richly as you prepare for the next one!

Anonymous said...

I would agree, the more we realize the depth of our sin and that God has blessed us with salvation anyway, our joy turns upward to the Lord! So Jesus says, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

We need to understand what sin does and it's consequences to better understand the Grace of God. Our casualness of sin, cheapens our understanding of grace. Just as you have said!

Thanks for the thoughts Allen, Pat A