Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Kids First?

Do they still make these available to people? There used to be a lot of them around, and while they are neat looking (some would say "cute"), I really think the message is not the best.

How can I say such a thing??

It seems to me that putting your kids first is some kind of warped idolatry. OK, I think I know the license plate is about not abusing children. I am very strongly opposed to that of course, but I think the slogan spills over in every area of the child/parent relationship. In a lot of homes the kids are first, which, to me, is a mistake.

A long time ago someone, maybe it was a professor, said, "The best thing you can do for your child is to love your spouse." Your spouse is first on earth because God is first over all things. Love your husband/wife as God loves you. The whole child thing will take care of itself. Children love to see their parents in love. It gives them a sense of stability and security that they can get nowhere else.

What do you think?

Sunday could be another really interesting day. There is so much to say about the family, and some of the biblical teaching/thinking is contrary to the culture. As usual!

Stay tuned...

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