Wednesday, November 04, 2009

How does God Work?

Here's a quote from the Randy Harris book I mentioned a few posts ago. Please understand that Randy is really funny; you laugh the whole time he talks. Then he hits you with profundity.

One of the really difficult issues of my own theological life--and I'm convinced of the theological life of most--is to try to understand how God works in the world, especially in instances where he doesn't seem to be doing as well as he might. And for those of us who experience intensely calling upon God and getting nothing out of it, those who tell how God is answering every prayer that they are praying become intensely annoying. In fact, they can become absolutely faith threatening. Because while the elder in my church is dying and the whole church is coming together in deep prayer for healing, somebody else is talking about how they couldn't find a parking place and they prayed to God and (lo and behold) one opened up. And I think, what is this? God does parking? He doesn't do elders?

What do you think about all that?

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