Friday, April 04, 2014


Good morning, Friday! How are you today? It's still raining, but it will end later today. The sun shows up, the wind blows, and the temps drop. That's all OK. Tomorrow looks nice; cool but nice.

Yesterday was a good day. I had lunch with an old friend. I didn't wake up expecting that but it happened, and I'm glad it did. I enjoyed it very much, and I enjoyed watching it rain most of the day. The day provided no ride opportunity, so I rested again. I did go swimming last night.

I wore my wetsuit last night. I need to get used to it. It's not the best idea to wear it in the pool, due to chlorine. I rinsed it thoroughly afterwards, so it should be fine. I have a triathlon coming up in May were I will wear the wetsuit. I hope to do some outdoor swimming before then, but I need to get used to the tightness and the different feel of the suit now. I was pleased with how it went.

Today is going to be another busy one. I have a counseling appointment this morning, along with another thing or two. I am having to redo my Sunday work. Our projector bulb needs replacing and it will not happen before Sunday. Wouldn't you know it, this week's sermon was super heavy with visuals. I hope to have it retooled before the day is over.

Tonight I will head back to the pool. Who says I don't know how to have a wild Friday night? Then tomorrow is a 100 miler, I hope. I am going to have to check out some of our proposed routes. I have a feeling Lost River has been found and is all over Orange County roads.

Have a great weekend!

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