Wednesday, January 08, 2014


Good morning! It's a balmy 16. Wasn't it weird how warm 10 degrees felt yesterday? There is a good sermon in there about how quickly we adapt to our environment, changing our feelings and perceptions, but, hey, I'll spare you.

What's this picture about? Well, during our annual Christmastime drive, the boys and I drove by the Boogie grounds and found this beautiful work of art.  It reminded me of an unpleasant encounter that occurred last summer between a drunk boogie biker and his leathery chick (both clothes and skin) and one my bicycling buddies. I can't really go into detail here but it resulted in a new moniker for one my friends, Iron Bird.

Speaking of cycling, I managed another hour on the bike trainer last night with Jimmy, Scott and Denny. This post-supper workout was a nice replacement for an outside run. Right now I am focusing on trying to do at least one workout in one of the disciples of running, biking, or swimming per day. Some days I do two, and occasionally I will get all three. I'm just staying in touch with all three.

Being a triathlete is complicated from a clothes standpoint. I have piles of clothes and towels and equipment that is hard to manage. It is especially difficult in the cold months. There is a lot more to wear and keep up with. I still have not figured out a good way to do all this. Kedra is patient with me, as usual.

Yesterday was good. I got a lot done. Today is going to be another good day, I just know it. School is out again, so the vacation continues for Kedra and Ben. Hopefully they will go back to school tomorrow. I think everyone is ready to settle back into a routine.

Pray for Maddie. She has been pretty sick with bronchitis that included fever. We want her feeling all better to have her precious baby, Cora Jane. Soon!

Enjoy your day today!

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