Friday, November 15, 2013


Good morning! It's Friday! It has been a good week, and let's wrap it up with a good day. You in?

I have lots of odds and ends to work on today. Now, isn't that an interesting expression? I wonder about its origin but not enough to find out, so you are on your own.

The odds and ends to which I refer includes getting the Give Thanks 4 race under control. Like so many things, it seems like a burden for a little while, considering all the stuff that has to be done, but as it gets closer, I get excited. It is a really good race, and it is a favorite for many. It is a fun day.

I hope to get on the bike at some point today. I will look for a window of opportunity a long the way. I hope to get out again tomorrow. There may be a couple of short runs in there also. My running is limited right now, due to some pain in the hamstring and north. I am being patient with it. Biking does not hurt, nor does swimming, so I am focused on those two activities right now. Running will come along.

OK, I need to get moving on all this. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allen, do you need info on the hammer for the "give thanks 4"? Also, it is official that Bedford will have a half marathon Oct. 4, 2014. Check it out at Spread this word along with the real word which you do very well.