Thursday, November 08, 2012

Thursday a.m.

Hey, you are special! Do you know why? Well, because my blogger dashboard tells me this is post number--wait for it--number 1234. See how special that is? OK, well, never mind then. Hey, I'm looking for any way I can find to make this fresh, exciting, stimulating, you know, just like me and my personality. Never mind. Wow, a 2 hour delay from the schools. Freezing fog. Oh well, I have 2 very happy housemates. It really doesn't matter that much to me (about the delay).
Today's photo? A stalker was spying on Greg M. and me the other day. We had finished our lunch at The Hub. We had just met to figure out how to take over the world, beginning in Mitchell. I can't say much about it, but Albert C. and others from the funeral home were there. I have said for a long time that I think Albert is Batman. Just go look at the top of the funeral home. It's a rather large Batman helmet. AND what color of car does he always drive? Enough of that.
Today I am going to be smoking all day long. And, no, this has nothing to do whatsoever with what happened in Colorado on election day. I am smoking meat. And yes it is hard to light -- ha ha, good one. I'm smoking 8 pork shoulders for Saturday. We, the Honduras mission group, are going to sell food during the ReGen Christmas decoration sale.
Saturday marks my playful launch of Holy Smokes Barbecue. I came up with this name quite some time ago. Saturday I go public as the Holy Smoker. Maybe I can move on to a career as a smoker? Always trying to figure out something I can do. Seriously, we have talked a little bit about providing meat for special occasions as a mission fund raiser. Well see. I do need another thing to do, you know.
We had a good class last night. We unpacked the election some. It's disappointing to see so many Christian behaving badly about the election. I under the disappointment, but, hey, we've got something a lot deeper and better going on with the Kingdom of God. Let me be clear: no one in my class has been misbehaving! It was a good discussion.
OK, got a lot going on with this smoking thing, so I better get focused. Thanks for dropping by this morning.

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