Friday, September 21, 2012


Good morning! It's Friday. Already. Again. I'm going to try take today off. I just need a mind-clearing day, at least part of a day anyway. I think I will cut some wood, doing something productive and something unlike what I do the rest of my time. I woke up at 3:33 last night but was able to stay in bed, which is good. I've got a 20 miler planned for in the morning, so I need some good rest.
I won't get much sleep tonight. We have a football game in Brown County, and it doesn't start until 7:30. It's gonna be a late night. The run starts at 6 a.m. in Bedford, so you can see what's going to happen here! Late to bed and early to rise, but I will be fine.
Yesterday was a really good day. We had a nice breakfast with the Tindalls, and they came in and looked around the ReGeneration Store before heading south. I got all of my preparation for Sunday completed yesterday. Productive day.
OK, I need to go sharpen a chain and get my saw ready to go.

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