Friday, February 10, 2012


Hello Friday! How are you? How about this to think about today?

The desire to finish must be stronger than the rationale to quit.

I wrote this line after being inspired by a quote from a Tour de France rider last summer. It's a good thought! Sometimes just keeping on keeping on doesn't seem quite rational, but a long view of the situation, infused by faith, keeps us moving.

Yesterday was a good day. I didn't get my sermon done, but I got pretty close. It shouldn't be too hard to finish it this morning. Pat A and I met for lunch to hammer out some of the hard work of sermon prep. It's so helpful to me to bounce ideas back and forth, even about the technique of delivery.

After our lunch meeting/prep, I was crashing from my cold, so I found a secluded place in the Wal-mart parking lot and took a nap. I always fear that someone will think I am some kind of creeper. These ideas come from years of living with a teenage daughter. My desire to sleep overcame my concern about being perceived as a weirdo. See quote above - related somehow, I think?

A brief nap and I was ready to go again. I texted my friend, Tim S., to see if he was running after work. He was. Even though I felt cruddy, I knew a run would be good for me, so having his company was enough to motivate me to do it. So I did it. It went fine. Take that you stupid cold!

Didn't make the pool last night -- just not enough energy to go. Also, Maddie came down, so we had a bit of a birthday dinner for Lester and her. Her birthday is 2 weeks after Lester's. Both Lester and Maddie are off work today, so we can leave for TN early afternoon. Ben has opted to stay home.

Tonight we will get to see our kids and spend the night with the Lavenders, some of the most influential people in our lives. Encouragement! It's going to be a good evening. Tomorrow, Lester, Earl, and I are running a half marathon. Sounds a little on the cool side, but that's fine.

My goal is to go out and run 7.45 miles as long as I can, hopfully 13.1 miles. The temptation to run 7.37s is present. That would put me in in under 1.40, but that's not the goal/objective of this race. I need some practice at my goal pace for the first 15 miles of Boston.

OK, need to get after it!

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