Friday, December 09, 2011

Friday morning

It's Friday! I hope your week has gone well. Seems like a pretty good one from my end.

I think I remember why I've lost interest in baseball. I think it goes back to a strike many years ago and all the greed involved. Fast forward many years. Did you see what Albert Pujols is going to make over the next 10 years? Around $250 million. You want to know how that breaks down in terms you and I can understand? Try this: He will make $68,493 per day, everyday, for 10 years. You can read more here.

I don't know much at all about Albert. I think I've heard he is Christian in orientation and is generous. I hope so. Leaving him out of it, the whole thing seems obscene to me. I know all of pro sports is full of lots of greed and selfishness, and, yes, I do enjoy watching NFL football. Sigh. I guess I am part of the problem, just a small part, I hope.

Today is bike day - an hour or so on the trainer, followed by my 3rd core workout for the week. Tomorrow is an 11 mile run, which will make me 35 for the week. I think I've lost 3-4 pounds, so my 26.2 plan is working.

My exchanges continue with the young man I mentioned a couple of posts ago. Pray for him please. OK, I need to get a few things cooking, so I'll see you soon.

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