Friday, October 07, 2011

Bale Sale

Good morning! It's Friday! For me it's going to be mostly about work, which is fine. I simply did not have much/enough time yesterday to get my usual Thursday things done. No sermon, no slide show, no discussion guide, no class prep -- oh well. At least it's a nasty day; good day to be inside working. ha ha. Actually the weather provides incentive to kick it into gear and to stay focused, which I have a hard time doing sometimes.

Yesterday we sold another semi load of bales from the ReGeneration Store. I forget how many loads we have sold in our 5 years, but this is the best one yet. The prices for baled clothes varies like the grain and livestock market. The current price is 19 cents a pound! It's usually in the low teens. These sales really boost our revenue and helps us to help more people or organizations that help others.

Blessings in a Backpack is likely going to be launched at one of our local schools, and we hope to provide significant funding for it. The idea is that kids who do not have adequate food will be sent home every Friday with a few food items to help them eat better over the weekend. The sale of the bales will likely directly benefit this program and a few others. The Lord has really, really blessed Capstone Ministries. We are very thankful.

When we sell bales we never know exactly when the truck is going to show up. We have a general idea, like "Thursday or Friday." I thought it was going to be Friday, but Darrin got a call yesterday morning, saying the truck would be here in an hour or two. That left us scrambling. I had an ethics committee meeting at St. Vincent Dunn that I really needed to attend at noon, and then I was scheduled to see a hospice patient. Warren saved the day! He was able to get there and run the forklift. I made it when the load was about 3/4 completed.

As usual, we had a truck driver who speaks English as a second language. This provides some challenges, but we got him weighed in/out at White River Coop. Sorting out the paper work at the end is always interesting.

Tomorrow is a 16 mile run. I hope to get a little 3 miler in sometime today. Why? Because I am sitting on 21 miles! Do the math! I want 40 miles this week. I did get a 30 mile bike ride in also, so hopefully I can go to bed Saturday with one of my best weeks of endurance work in a while.

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