Thursday, August 11, 2011

Settling Back In

So far this week has been one of slowly moving back into a routine - the summer routine and then the real routine of the school year. Kedra went back to school this morning, and Ben starts back on Monday. Time is filled with swift transition.

It's hard for me to get our Honduras trip out of my mind. It was so good! Sunday I am going to talk about it some before settling on some thoughts about the dump in Tegucigalpa. I've thought and talked about it a fair amount, but I have a few more things to say. I believe it is the most disturbing place I've ever been.

Biking and running did not happen in Honduras. I knew I wouldn't bike, since I didn't take my bike. Mr. Obvious here. Running? Well, I thought I might, but I had my suspicions I wouldn't. I knew the place where we were staying made it very difficult. I did get one one mile run one day at the farm. I ran to see if our van was waiting for us. He had to park about a half mile from where were working. Running at 5000+ feet is challenging! We also noticed it working as well.

Since I've been home, I have run twice. They were both pretty good. Today I am going on a 30 mile bike ride. The weather should be helpful. I want to catch up with some friends while riding. I plan to keep biking twice a week, while running 5 days a week. I am really looking forward to ramping up my running miles.

Sunday I am going to talk about the shoes pictured above.

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!

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