Thursday, August 04, 2011

Honduras Summer 2011 Day 7

Honduras Summer 2011 Day 7
(Click photo to go to album.)

Today was another great day! We spent the day in the beautiful little village of Lepaterique. Some of us built a house and some of us did a “Princess Day.” Then later in the day we all helped pass out clothes and food.

Lepaterique is quite a drive from where we are staying; it takes about an hour and a half to get there. The drive is over mountain roads, where we almost hit 6,000 feet! It is stunningly beautiful. The village is quaint and full of wonderful people. There is a Church of Christ there, and we center our work through them.

Today we built a house for a single mother with three young children. She is a member of the church and was so grateful for her new house and a few other things we gave her. Through tears of joy she expressed heartfelt gratitude to God and to us for being his servants. It feels so good to see and hear this!

Most of our ladies invited the girls and the women of the village to the church building for a princess day. They fixed the girls and women up by doing their hair and nails. The girls then got to put on a fancy dress, and while in the dress a picture was taken. The pictures were printed by Steve Gilstrap on his portable printer. These photos become prized possessions for people who rarely have pictures of themselves. Our ladies also did a few things with the boys, including giving them a hat.

We have had an amazing trip thus far. I feel that this has been the most productive trip we have ever made. We are staying out all day and working hard. Several evenings we have barely made it back for supper, which is at 6.30.

Everyone is doing OK. We’ve had an unusual amount of minor tummy trouble this time; 11 out of 15 have had it. We think that we have had bad water at the mission house. We have switched to drinking bottled water purchased at the store. Several are on Cipro, so we should all be OK soon.

We have a couple of exciting days ahead! Please keep praying for us.

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