Thursday, July 21, 2011

Yesterday evening

From 6-7 yesterday evening I stood in the Mitchell cemetery with 15-20 people. I only knew one them - a former student. She and her friends were acknowledging the one year anniversary of her only child's murder.

It was an interesting and powerful experience. She warned me that her friends were a "little rough around the edges." Cigarettes. Beer. Rough language. I told her I like rough people, and I do. They are friendly and accepting. A lot of them are rough because they have had a rough way to go and are still traveling on that path. I felt compassionate and somewhat helpless. My friend wants to love and know God but is having trouble getting there. Lots of questions for which there are no answers. I'm trying to help.

The most interesting part of the gathering was right after the releasing of the balloons. They talked about singing "their song." One the guys downloaded it on his phone, and as it began most everybody started singing. It was Nickelback's Rock Star; the lyrics are in the previous post. It was a little different than singing in church but not much. Some sang with passion; some remained silent; some mouthed the words.

I guess I was struck by the message - the desire for change, for improvement in life, for significance. That's what we all want and need. I believe it's found in the Rock of Ages instead of being a rock star. How do you communicate that to people who have been burned and harshly judged by the "righteous," the representatives of the Rock of Ages? My former student has told me a few times about "Christian people" who have made comments about her tattoos. The comments were not compliments.

My prayer for myself and for the church is best articulated in Brandon Heath's song, Give Me Your Eyes.

Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the brokenhearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me eyes so I can see

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

allen, i think you are so right. a lot of times, these folks are the most loyal and most accepting people you will ever find. in my field, i have had mostly individuals that fit into this catagory as my employees over the years. good people that are just lost. some by their own choices and others who just have never found the way. i think we have a pretty good example though in the bible that jesus probably liked these guys too and he probably would have been there with them yesterday and may have even joined in singing. goes along with the saying that they dont care how much you know until they know how much you care.