Thursday, February 03, 2011

Few more thoughts on fear

What are you afraid of? Most of us are afraid of something. Some of them are relatively minor: spiders, snakes, heights, public speaking, etc., and some fears reach to the core of our existence. Death seems to be a big concern for a lot of people; maybe the biggest concern.

It seems to me that at the root of real fear is a concern about significance. Do we matter? Is our life of value to anyone or anything? Do we fear death because it signifies the end of our quest for significance? Are we concerned that when it’s all said and done we really made no contribution to life? Do we fear coming and going and no one knowing?

Is that what we are really afraid of? Does that then lead us to do all kinds of things so that others will say that we are important and are significant? We want to control things, people, and especially our lives, and when we can’t control things, then fear shows up and takes over. Then we look for something to calm our fears. We want control back so we can matter.

What's the solution? I think Mark 4:35-41 is a good place to start. Now, I need to go finish this sermon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a good start....

pat A