Taking a little break from sermon prep. I registered for the Cotton Row Run in Huntsville, which takes place on Memorial Day. We are going down that weekend to check on Kedra's parents. Her father has had a lot of health problems of late. The CRR is a race that I have run multiple times over the years. It is a tough course with an incredibly steep hill in it. It is a great race with a very neat atmosphere.
I went for a hilly 5 miler this morning. I got stuck on sermon prep, so I ran. It's amazing how that frees my mind. Thoughts started flowing and coming to me. I need to learn to carry pen and paper, because I'm afraid I'll forget a bunch of them. The run itself is the best one I've had, as far as how I felt, since the Louisville marathon. Actually I'm getting to the time that full recovery should be taking place. They say, whoever "they" is that you should take one day of recovery for each mile of the race. Marathon = 26 days of recovery. I'm not sure what running the mini hard did to all that, but I am beginning to feel better.
It looks like the rain may clear out in time for a good bike ride this evening. I got my shoes and cleats all ready to go. I gave them a brief 10 minute test yesterday and did not fall over. EVERYONE says that I will fall, and I believe them. I'm just waiting to do it in front of a bunch of people; got keep up my "specialness" you know.
Yesterday I finished a wheelchair ramp for a young man. I ended up doing the project mostly by myself, which was fine. It is solid and looks pretty good (if you don't look too closely). I'm sure it is not done like an experienced carpenter would do it, but it works and is safe. The family was grateful. That's sufficient.
Thinking about this 6th Commandment - Do not murder. God is pro-life, right? Then why does he direct so much killing in the Old Testament? I think it's because he is pro-life. This is hard for us to accept, I think, but God deems it necessary to kill off some people/peoples in order to preserve his mission to bring Life to all who will receive it. God is pro-life; he is dead serious about it.
Back to work...
HERE is the course map and elevation chart. Note the 3 mile mark! It is the steepest hill I have ever run.
We still have not heard from Luke, which is not surprising. We did get this update a couple of days ago:
Just another note... I spoke to my husband again last night. He told me to relay the information that construction has gone really well; they have a roof up on the bodega (storage building), and they should have poured footers for the base camp today. Everyone is still healthy and working hard, as well. They will be heading out of the valley Thursday evening, so I assume you might receive another email from the team that night. I hope these updates have helped to put you a little more at ease!
DeeDee Hatchell
Did you fall over?
Actually, I did not! I had a couple of close calls, but no spill yet. I figure the reason I did not fall tonight was because there were not enough people to witness it. Due to the threat of rain there were only 4 of us.
Tuesday night.
Large crowd.
Experienced riders.
Ruthless jokers.
Yeah, I think I know when it's going to happen.
It will be special, no doubt.
Tonight we managed to have a nice 10 mile ride without getting wet. As soon as we finished it started raining. I would have liked to have ridden more, but it was good (enough).
Time for popcorn followed by Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
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