Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday Ramblings

I'm pretty sure that if I were still a kid that I would be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. I can't sit too long or stay too focused for too long. This especially happens during Thursday sermon prep. As much as I don't like it, it seems to be the way things work.

"Unfriend" the word of the year, so says the headline. Of course it's about all those social networking sites. I still find them more weird than helpful. For some it clearly provides an opportunity for narcissistic exhibitionism. Me? I prefer my blog for such activities! ha ha.

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As I've mentioned before, I am reading through the Bible this year. I'm now in 1 Corinthians, which means I was recently reading Romans. Have you ever read Romans 16? If you grew up in the Churches of Christ, then you know Romans 16:16. Our brand is mentioned specifically there. But have you read the whole chapter? It has lots and lots of names. Actually it is pretty interesting to read with imagination. I heard Fred Craddock preach a sermon from Romans 16; changed my view. He beautifully imagined who these people were, based on what Paul says.

I like this one:

Greet Apelles, tested and approved in Christ.

How cool is that? Tested and approved by God.

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Here's a quote from Tom Long about preaching:

Preaching is an odd business, when we think about it. We stand up, week after week in a highly visible place holding a several-thousand-year-old text and commit acts of hermeneutics, and that takes nimbleness, imagination, creativity, and every responsible method we can get our hands on.

1 comment:

Jason Petty said...

I think preaching is one of the toughest jobs in the States these days. You're expected to reveal something profound through text that has been around for a hundred generations or more so people can feel good about the lives they don't want to change.

Obviously a little generalizing, but that's the trend among the "comfortable American" it seems. I admire your dedication to the Word, may you continue to be salt and light to your congregation, family, community, and beyond!