Saturday, November 14, 2009

Family Matters

Soon we are going to make some very intentional moves to better serve our younger families. Through Life Group discussions, based on the recent sermons regarding families, we have had good feedback that reaches across all generations. The desire and the perception of need is broad based.

While we don't know exactly what this new move will look like, it is very exciting. We have presently a lot of very young families; more than we've ever had, I believe.

We need to serve young families, but Randy Harris makes a good and interesting point in God Work:

Most of you have become family to someone who is not your blood because of your relationship in the kingdom of God. For that other person that relationship has become more important than blood. And so these commitments to family are important but they're relative--the ultimate commitment is to the kingdom of God. One of the things I always say when I go into churches is this: If you're still asking the question, "What is this church doing for families," you better start asking the other question, too, "How are these families serving the kingdom of God?" Because the kingdom doesn't exist to serve families. Families exist to serve the kingdom. It is the kingdom that is absolute.

He makes a really good point, and it reaches far beyond serving families. The church serves it's members, but what we are really after is equipping our members to serve the world, thus participating in the missio dei -- the mission of God. Right?

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