Sunday, October 05, 2008

Do You Love Me?

John 21:15-19

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?"
"Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me?"
He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep."
The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?"
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?"
He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.
I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go."
Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, "Follow me!"

Can you imagine this scene? Why is Peter going fishing? Is he frustrated? Confused?

Why was does Jesus ask Peter three times,"Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?"


Allen said...

How are you?

Did you see the Colts' seemingly miraculous comeback today? Wow.

Last week was one of the busiest weeks I can recall. I think/hope this week will be a little slower.

Allen said...

I have always liked John 21. I heard Richard Hayes, a biblical scholar from Duke, liken chapter 21 to the extra material that comes on a DVD. It seems kinda like that doesn't it? The book seems to be over, and then here comes some more material. I like it.

Allen said...

This lesson will be the last one from John's Gospel. It will be number 27. I have really liked this study. It has been very challenging on several levels. I'm not sure that it has connected with the church as well as some?? Any thoughts?

I plan to move into Exodus and do a few sermons from there next.

Allen said...

We had a good LIFE Group last night; great discussion regarding the Resurrection.

We also talked a little about our Sunday a.m. attendance, which has been low for several weeks. Trying to figure it out...

Things I know that are right:

And lots of other related things.

Anonymous said...

This final scene before Jesus returns to his Father holds a message for every Christian, I feel. He asks Peter if he truly loves Him and three times he answers and three times Jesus asks him to prove his love by taking care of the sheep. Feed the little ones (lambs), Take care of the sheep, and feed them all. Spiritual food, I feel is the object here in order that the soul can grow toward God. Being the oldest child of seven and having more responsibility for the others helps me see a little of what he means. Being an influence, being a protector, being a helper in times of need, and at times a rescuer from danger are all aspects of a shepherd and Peter was being instructed to be a good shepherd by Jesus example. Sheep have many personalities and so do people but each is important in the Kingdom and serves a purpose. Sherron I hope you enjoy the following:

Is your heart an open book,
Free to all who choose to look?
Or are you more on the private side
Choosing to reserve it mostly inside?
Are you open to offers of help,
Or would you rather do it yourself?
Are you Johnny-on-the-spot in time of need?
Or do you choose to listen and sow quiet seed?
We can’t all be a Martha or Mary
But find a need and a cross to carry!
God has a use for each of us it’s true.
Personalities though different, matter
In His point of view!
Quiet, measured, outgoing and friendly,
All are important and needed by Him
As we with one purpose make up His assembly.
He can use the doers, the reticent and the prayers
His people are His heart in many layers.
Separate them out one by one,
Each in his way points to the Son.

9/14/208 Sherron Fields

Allen said...

Thanks Sherron for sharing those great thoughts in poetry and prose!

Allen said...

I'm down in my office this evening, Kedra is having her Beth Moore Bible study, so there are about a dozen women in my living room. These women's Bible studies are really neat.

Do we need a corresponding men's Bible study?

Allen said...

Soon we will take a 4-5 week from LIFE Group (end of Nov. to first of Jan.). During the break we will go back to meeting at the building. I am thinking this might be a really good time to do a 4-5 study of something that really interests people.

I was talking to Kedra this evening about this, and she said that her Wednesday evening class has a deep interest in eschatology. Well, she didn't use that word, but she indicated that a study of the last things would probably be popular.

I am thinking a topical study about the last things/afterlife, which would include:

Second Coming

Do you think such a study would be of interest?

Allen said...

Is it wrong for Peter to fish?

Allen said...

The most basic qualification for feeding/tending the flock (the church) is love for Christ. Right?

Peter denies the Lord three times; now he affirms his love three times. He is ready to serve, and he will die in service to the Lord.

Allen said...

Feed sheep and “follow me.” Inseparable ideas.

Allen said...

I tried to watch the debate last night, but I had trouble staying focused. Canned. Boring. Zzzzzzzz

What did you think?

Ben had a football game last night, so we paid to get in to sit in the (sometimes hard) rain. He banged his knee up on the 2nd or 3rd play and did not return to action. Sitting in the rain to watch Junior High football is one thing, but to sit there when your kid is not playing is another thing. I left during the 3rd quarter.

Anonymous said...

I did watch the stump speeches--er, uh, debates---last night. As you said, not very enlightening. I don't have a good feeling about either of them. It's only about a month before the election, and I haven't got one clue who to vote for. I'm open to suggestions.
I'm not sure about a sermon series on Exodus. What if everybody gets up and leaves? :)
What did you mean by the fishing question? It's funny you should ask that just now. Last night Tyler asked if it was okay to eat animals, since killing them and eating them seems kinda mean and Christians aren't supposed to be mean.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny donna, I miss you!

Allen said...

If everyone got up and left, then that would mean we could go to lunch earlier.

Peter is supposed to be a shepherd not a fisherman. Right? John 21 is a lot like Luke 5 - the original commission. "Fish for men not for fish." Is Peter trying to fall back into his old lifestyle?

Here's what concerns me about this election (and all presidential elections): the selection of supreme court justices. It seems that every major cultural decision ends up the supreme court. I'm sure "gay marriage" is going there soon. If the court is loaded up with people who are culturely liberal, then what do we get? Does that matter?

I am really trying to understand all this through "Kingdom eyes." I think the cultural stuff matters to God, but then I read 1 Corinthians 5, especially vs 9-13. What do you guys think?