Sunday, December 23, 2007


Today I worshiped with the Bryantsville Church of Christ. I planned to get there about 3 minutes before it started. Otherwise I knew that Ken W. would persuade me to speak. The man is persuasive; it only took 3 minutes of me saying, "No. no. no. no. no." The next thing I know I am planning a sermon!

It was OK. It didn’t seem like work. I just told of my sabbatical plans. I then read Luke 2:1-20 and talked briefly about the simplicity of God entering the world. Mary was simple; the birthplace was simple; the shepherds were simple. This is the not the script I would have written. I would have had an educated women; the Christ child would have been born in the best hospital; and I would have had a big press conference.

What are we to make of this entry? I think it shows that God is interested in the mundane, the simple acts of service. See Matthew 25:31 ff.

I really enjoyed being with the 20 or so who gathered this morning. The building is beautiful, and they had candles and poinsettias everywhere. The song leader led a bunch of nice Christmas carols.

Their order of worship is different, and the way they commune is interesting. Always trying to amuse myself, as I watched communion unfold I silently coined the term “speed communion.” They offered thanks for the bread, and then another guy offered thanks for the juice. Then a couple of guys brought the bread, followed by a couple with the juice. I wonder what the origin of this practice is?

It’s funny what you hear when you walk in as a visitor/stranger. I heard people whispering, “Who is that?” Others, who knew, whispered back, “That’s the preacher at the Mitchell Church of Christ.”

Been busy organizing and packing this afternoon and evening.