Monday, December 08, 2014


Good morning! Don't you just love Mondays? Oh, not that much? OK, whatever. It is Monday again, and the week will be over before we know it. Take it one day at a time and live each one fully. How's that for a little pep talk to start your week? Not sure where that came from.

I had a busy weekend. As I mentioned in last post, I went to Louisville for John's brother's funeral. Afterwards I met my cousin for lunch, after calling him on the way down. I made it back to Mitchell mid-afternoon, stopping by our church gym to check on the set-up for the toy sale. Everything was under control.

Friday night was rainy, really rainy. I had made a vow I would go swimming. You should have seen/heard the fight I had with myself about it. My stay-at-home self made the most convincing, compelling argument for not getting out to go swim. In the end, my disciplined self, which has been mostly absent in November, manned up and said, "Shut up! We're going to the pool!" Off we all went.

Friday night at 8 p.m.  when it's raining hard -- the pool would be virtually empty, right? Wrong! There were probably 15 people there. Don't you people have a life!! Evidently they are like me. Oh well, I always seem to end up in lane 1, which is a little wider than the others. I saw Danny G come in, so I hollered at him to join me. I'd rather swim with someone I know than a stranger. My favorite partner is Timmy G, and I'm sure I will be with him soon.

Anyway, I had not been in the water since October 30, so it was a little rough getting going again. I did 500 yards, really trying to begin the journey toward dramatic improvement. I got myself to where I could do Ironman in a respectable way, but it was/is not fast enough for shorter tris. Now I begin the process of becoming respectable in sprints and Olympic distances, positioning myself to do well with a decent bike and run.

Saturday was a big day at church. We had our coat giveway and the ReGeneration Toy Sale, all at the same time, so I was going back and forth between buildings. It's hard to get a specific number, but I think we served around 350-400 people with the coats and other things we gave away. We had two other churches help us out by bringing things: Woodville Baptist brought hats, gloves, and scarves, while Tulip Street Christian brought a bunch of shoes.

Our Toy Sale saw us selling considerably more than $5,000 worth of toys! The average price is probably 2-3 dollars. People were lined up at the doors long before it started. It was a crazy! In a good sort of way. Hundreds of people came and shopped and left with lots of things. I love it when really poor people are able to get nice things for their families.

Before all the things happened Saturday, I went for a 7 mile run. I can tell my body is out of alignment. I will try see a chiropractor this week. I hope to run a little more this week, moving toward the 25, then 30 mile per week mark. I will make it a slow careful climb, avoiding injury hopefully. I need to get on the bike also.

OK, I better get busy. Thanks for coming by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My oldest granddaughter says she loves me "2 days". I am not sure if that is good since there are 8 days a week!