Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Last year - waiting for Boston Marathon to start
Good morning! I saw this morning that Lumpy, from the TV show Leave it to Beaver, is dead. I don't know if that means anything to you, but I thought I should report it. You're welcome. Lumpy always cracked me up.  More significant to me is the death of Pat Summerall. I grew up listening to his football commentary. He has a fairly interesting story.

Yesterday was a busy, varied day. It involved counseling someone from someplace else, a hospital visit, working with a guy battling alcohol, lunch with a friend, talking to community leaders (more about that tomorrow), other top-secret stuff, driving a bus, and getting soaked on a run.

I drove the track team to Orleans, and as they got off the bus, I had them put all the windows up. Even though the radar was clear just an hour earlier, I was concerned about developing rain. After I parked the bus, I changed and headed out on a very humid 7 mile run.

As I was about half way through the run, I looked back to the west. Oh no! I picked up the pace in a race to beat the storm. I made it back ok, but I still needed a little more. I took off again. The lightning came, the thunder followed, and then the heavens opened. I got absolutely soaked. I did get my 7+ miles in. I changed clothes and waited for the meet to be cancelled. It was, and I got home around 7. That was ok with me.

Today I am helping out the transportation director by driving a field trip to Lincoln Park. I think this is the only daytrip I have this time, which is good. I'm not crazy about doing these, but it is a way to help out some. I will take plenty of reading/study material, and hopefully I will have some kind of phone signal to stay in touch with others.

Thanks for stopping by.

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