Well, Kedra did fine with her surgery. We were delayed by about an hour, but you almost expect that don't you? She now has a plate held in place with several screws. We got home around 2:30, I think, yesterday afternoon. She was in a fair amount of pain but was managing it well. She slept in the guest room last night. She was afraid of getting it hit by me during the night. I guess I am a violent sleeper? Actually, she needed to prop it up etc. and thought it was the best place to do that. I'm waiting on her to wake up. I think she will start feeling better today. I'll hang around most of the day to help. She has this little bell she rings... Just kidding.
Most of the day was consumed with Kedra's surgery, but I did get to go for a run in the evening. Ben was home, so I went and got some good miles in. Lester came over for a late supper, around 7. We have a traditional around big football games of having hamburgers etc., so last night I did the hamburger thing before the boring national championship game. I was glad it was a blowout. It allowed me to go to bed at a decent hour.
Maddie, my best and favorite daughter in law, came by late afternoon to check on Kedra and to bring us a few things from the store. She is getting ready to start an RN to BSC program in Vincennes and needed to be there last night. She's a great nurse and an all around wonderful young woman. Lester certainly married UP!
We are starting Tempo Tuesdays tonight. I'll get my patient secured so I can participate in this torture that I enjoy - ha ha. Yes, that is SICK. Hey, at least I know it. I actually love the feeling right after it's over. (Yes, it's like hitting your thumb with a hammer over and over, because it feels so good when you stop.) I love the results down the road, as in latter on during a race.
January is the strict diet month for me. NO sweets, no soft drinks, no butter on popcorn, no lots of things. I'm getting down to a good fitness performance weight. I want this to be a banner year for endurance athletics. I think I am more focused and aware earlier in the year than usual. I want to pace myself carefully, avoiding burnout. I think I've got it right in my head. We'll see.
Thanks for stopping by!
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