Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Tuesday a.m.

Good morning! It says 64 on my thermometer. Weirdly warm. If it's not going to snow, then I'll take this warm stuff. It sure was nice last night. Around 100 gathered to run/walk Norm's Run as the sun slipped from view. The run was in honor/memory of Norm Taylor who died on a run last week. More than $1000 was raised by the runners and walkers, most of them sporting Purdue attire in honor of Norm. Thanks to Mike J, who had a whole wardrobe of Purdue shirts in his vehicle, I was able to wear some myself.

I ran 4+ miles before Norm's 5 miles last night. I had to dig out some summer clothes. Crazy! Here's the 1500 scoreboard:

Run so far this year: 1382.17     Needed to get 1500: 117.83     Day left to do it: 27

It sounds like a lot when you look at it as a total: 100+ miles. But when you break it down, then it becomes manageable/doable. Pretty sure there is sermon/life lesson in all that.

Yesterday was so nice in so many ways. I had a great meeting with 3 others guys. We are working to revitalize the Marriage and Family Alliance in Lawrence County and surrounding areas. We'll present some ideas to our board next week.

After that meeting I saw a couple of people in need. One of them lives in a little trailer and has been heating it with a gas oven and an electric heater. His furnace has been out for a while. I'm going to do what I can to get him some safe heat this winter.  The other family couldn't pay their rent and were being threatened by eviction. There are a lot of people really struggling. This family is doing what they can. I helped them.

After that, I had a great lunch with 4 other guys: Jason P, Greg M., Pat A. and Christopher W. We had a great discussion. Four of us are going to preach a collaborative sermon series, beginning in January. It's going to be based on Andy Stanley's Guardrails material. We talked some about how peer collaborative preaching works. I've done it several times and always find a great deal of synergy, so I am really looking forward to it. If you are preacher and want in on this, just send me a note.

Today and tomorrow, I am driving a school bus to the Children's Museum in Indy. The transportation director is really short on bus drivers for this sort of thing. Real bus drivers can't do it because the trip doesn't return until 5.30. I'm glad to help out, plus it will afford me some great study time in a different environment.

OK, I really need to get a run in before that bus leaves at 8.30! Thanks for stopping by.

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