Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday a.m.

Good morning Thursday! You're rather cool this morning, but I know you will warm up to and for me. Right?

Today is a smoke day. Tomorrow will be also. This is not the relaxed, enjoyable sort of smoke. It is more of a "I need to get it done" sort of smoke. That's not a complaint. I have lots of things going on while I'm smoking today. In fact I am going to have to leave the smoker a couple of times, which I don't like to do, but I pretty well know it and how it holds it heat. That means if I get it set right, then I can let it do it's thing for an hour or more without touching it.

We have an expected issue at the Store this morning that is going to require some of my time and attention. We have lots of boxes to move in order to be ready for our big sale on Saturday. I'm going to get a good work out this morning -- a stair workout. That will be good for me.

Yesterday I told you I was going to a funeral, and I commented on about how some funerals are really good and some are not. This one was excellent. The speaker did a great job of capturing the essence of the man's life. I did not know the man, but afterwards I felt like I did.

I'm not sure I'm going to do this everyday, so don't get your hopes up. Was that sarcasm? No, couldn't be. Anyway, here's the running scoreboard through yesterday:

Run so far: 1362.82    Needed to reach 1500: 137.18    Day left: 33

Gotta run!

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