Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday morning

I hope you had a good Monday. Mine was good. Got all the stuff done that I had to do to be a responsible adult and had a few extra interactions/conversations with people. In many ways I guess it was a day where nothing note worthy happened, but that's probably a matter of perception and priority.

Yesterday afternoon I was driving out to the Park to run. As I was getting close, I looked up and saw a big van go about a fourth of the way off the road; the driver then corrected his path and got it back in his lane. As he got closer I could see that he was still very much concentrating on texting! My concern as a runner and biker is that this kind of thing is going to get me or some of my buddies killed one of these days. Texting and driving is incredibly dangerous.

Rebecca got her official acceptance into Lipscomb University yesterday! She wants to be a school teacher. She presently is doing her cadet teaching in the 5th grade and simply loves it. Even as a little girl she played school all the time. She used to have little kids come over to play, and she would set up a little classroom in the basement where she would be the teacher. I am excited for Rebecca, but I will miss her tremendously when she leaves in the fall. [Too early to be thinking like this...]

I entered the Indy Mini Sunday evening. I am hoping to lower my 1.39 time. I am really looking forward to training for it, but I will wait until January to begin. I ran a little yesterday, and it still hurts, which is normal. The marathon really does a number on the [old] body!

Yesterday evening I worked with firewood until dark, which keeps coming earlier. I cut up a couple of big logs that I drug in on Saturday. I then split and stacked it. If everything goes as I plan, then this wood will not be used this winter but next. I really enjoy working with wood.

The Give Thanks 4 is coming up next week, and it is keeping me up at nights, which is just stupid! ha ha. Everything is coming together nicely, but I dreamed about it last night, all night long. I think we are going to have at least 100 runners. It will be interesting to be on the directing end of a race.

Today is going to be full of this and that kind of stuff. I have lots of little projects that need to be brought to completion, and I need to continue conversations with several people about several things. Looks like we are going to get a good soaking rain. I love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i havent registered for the mini yet, hope you dont need me. :)
darci got her acceptance yesterday as well for lipscomb. her and rebecca were texting to tell each other about it. i am so glad that group of girls have each other and are going to college together. makes it easier to accept.