You must understand that removing these pants is not an easy task for me. You see, I’ve had these pants since around 1986. I bought them in New Zealand and ran many miles in them there, and I have worn them on a regular basis since then. Most of my 360+ miles this year have been in them, and my guess is that I’ve run close to 5,000 miles in them over the years. Who really knows, though? I do know that I have run a few marathons in them, and I wore them to run my 50K. If these pants could speak . . . On second thought that might not be a good idea.
This morning as I gently wept at the thought of removing these pants from active duty, I think Kedra was (at least inside) probably leaping for joy. She never has really liked them. (I think it might be the stirrups.) She has even hinted lately that they might be out of style. I would argue that they are like a vintage, classic car – things like these never go out of style.
I will be a little lost without these pants. I’m just thankful that warmer weather, shorts-wearing weather, has arrived. It lessens my grief, but I imagine the first cold day of late fall will be a hard day for me. I will go looking for something to keep my stunningly beautiful, perfectly shaped legs warm and then the grief will hit me again.
I’m not really sure what to do with these beloved pants. I put them in a trash can but later retrieved them. They actually look pretty good hanging from my bookshelf. Maybe a nice shadow box is the right place for them? I probably should let my grief pass before making any major decision.
Ran in shorts and T-shirt tonight; sure was nice. Didn't need my long pants! Tim G. had a shirt on tonight that was clearly quite old. "It's from 1987," he told us. He often wears running shirts from the 80s and some, I think, from the 70s. I'm not only one who likes old clothes!
My hamstring was sore again today, so I decided that I would not do the tempo run. I talked to Jim S. and he said it would be fine to do it. As I was stretching, getting ready, Bill D. said that I should not do it. "Just run steady," he said.
Hmmm. What to do? Two trusted guys; two different opinions.
John H. was going to tempo at 7.40 pace, so I said I would help pace him.
The only problem was that John had already taken off. So I took off to catch him. I ended up running around a 7 minute mile catching him. He ran his first mile in 7.20, which is a lot faster than he has been running. I caught up with him at about a mile and a quarter. He went through the second mile at 7.20, and then he finished with a 7.15 mile!
My hamstring seems no worse for the wear, so that's very encouraging. This is my biggest week of the training cycle: 53 miles. I'll run 6 tomorrow, 12 on Thursday, and 22 on Saturday.
good work out last night afterall for you. john had a good one and you were exactly right in what you told him on our run the other day. hope that was a big boost for him.
still trying to kick this cold. came home and took a nap first and then missed the 5:15 start. ended up running 5 later. i will be in fl on sat so not there for the 22. good luck with that. going to try and get jimmy to do 22 or so on sunday in fl.
love the story about the pants. i too have had work out clothes that i hated to part with. i am that way with shoes too.
John H. is a beast! He's running really well right now.
I still have some shoes that are years old!
I understand.
I don't wear them, but I like to look at them from time to time.
Does this make me weird?
Does this make me akin to Imelda Marcos?
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