Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Today I did my first double run in years! Ben, who is planning on running the Indy mini, needed to run some, so I went out with him for 5 miles around Mitchell. Then this evening I joined up with my friends in Bedford for another run. I thought we were going to do 7, but they decided 5 would be enough with all the snow on the roads. It went well. I ran a lot faster this evening than I did this morning. Feeling good. Feeling strong.

You know, they are talking about the possibility of more snow this weekend? And then there is a monster storm brewing for a little over a week from now. Of course both are too far out to know where they will go and what they will do. I feel badly for the kids missing so much school. Right now, if they miss no more days, the last day of school will be June 3rd!

I'm wondering if Oakland City will meet tomorrow? The snow disruptions have allowed me to do some extra reading, all on my Kindle of course! I am reading a biography about John Newton, the author of the song Amazing Grace. I knew his story, but this book is revealing some very interesting details that I didn't know.

Last week I read Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis. Amazon offered it as free Kindle download, so I downloaded it! It was a great read. Bell is a really good thinker and an interesting guy.

Kinda enjoying the Olympics. How 'bout you?

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